Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Impending End of My Internship

Well, tomorrow's my last day at Mount Dora High. I feel very sad :(

Tomorrow I'm going to write more when I get home from school about this whole experience... I'll probably definitely cry.

I'm anxiously awaiting the start of my new job at East Ridge High School-- Monday will probably be my first day. This blog is about to change from "Ambitious English Intern" to "Ambitious First Year Teacher"! Scary!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Ahh, FCAT… how I for real loathe you. The FCAT Reading is for sophomores and it’s at the beginning of the day. That means, when it’s over and 1st period is supposed to start, I have about 5 juniors in my class and the rest trickle in over the next hour. If I can be there on time for 1st period, so can you. It’s annoying that I can’t continue with group work when whole groups are missing because juniors want to sleep in. Awesome for you, I slept in too—but I live 40 minutes away and I still made it on time… what’s your excuse? Walking into first period when there’s 5 minutes left and asking ON TUESDAY to take a midterm you missed FROM THURSDAY really doesn’t make me a happy teacher. More kids show up in second period that first, but some kids are still under the impression that FCAT days for sophomores mean skip days for juniors and seniors and that isn’t true.

Because of scheduling, lunch is in second period instead of third. The administration told us 65498412518 times that the students are to report to the classrooms and go to the lunch that the teacher is scheduled for, NOT THE LUNCH THEY NORMALLY TAKE. Think about it: if the kids went to the lunch they normally had, the teacher would only have half of their class in there. Students couldn’t figure this out. Then some of them come in, Monday and Tuesday, griping about how they normally eat first lunch and they JUST CAN’T MAKE IT to second lunch because they may die. You’ll be fine—sit down. Then, I get asked 65 times “Ms. Baker, what lunch are we again?” Really?  : l  Stop.

Then, fourth period rolls around. It’s not RIGHT after lunch anymore, but it’s still post-lunch, so one of two things happens on FCAT days: they’re either SUPER off the walls because FCAT made them go stir-crazy OR they sit in silence for an hour at their desks like their brain is frozen. In my fourth period, I had more of the former. Since I do feel (almost) bad for them because of this stupid test, I tried not to do anything too intense because I’m obviously awesome.

Last Wednesday and Friday, we did our midterms in the computer lab. I love using technology and I LOVE so I figured that’d be the best idea since I had to spring a midterm on them so last minute. Here are a few of the ones that are printed out in color. Also, if you’re a teacher person and you want the instructions/rubric, let me know :)

Since I didn’t blog yesterday, today will be Awkward & Awesome Tuesday!
- Student asks me for gum while I’m chewing some and when I tell him “You can’t haaandle gum”, it falls out of my mouth…
- “Ms. Baker, if I’m quiet all period tomorrow, I mean ALL period, can I have your sister’s number?”
- Students drawing pictures of me…
- “Ms. Baker, how do you pronounce this word?” “Uh…?”
- Spilling water all down my face and my shirt when I forget that I’m drinking and try to talk at the same time…

- Breakfast with sissy :)
- “Ms. Baker, PLEASE don’t go.”
- Being nominated for a “You Did It” Award from a veteran teacher because I’m a “breath of fresh air”
- “Ms. Baker, I did that extra credit”
- The amazing women (and Mr. Archer) that I eat lunch with
- My homeroom babies leaving me random love notes around the classroom
- The Front Office has officially recognized me as a legit teacher, as seen on this late pass

Peace, Love, Wordle midterms, and OXFORD COMMAS J

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Fo' Rizzle, My Rain Drizzle :)

So, my kids may not like me anymore. For the past month or so, I haven’t gotten any respect. For real, my kids step all over me and I thought I had it under control, but I really deserve more. This is how they make me feel

Every threat I’ve ever made has been empty and I believe that my students are starting to catch on. So, today I made a final warning concerning cell phones and iPods—if I see them once more, I’m taking them and their parents can get it. I mean, that’s what other teachers do, so Ms. Baker is joining in. Also, I think I wrote 4 detentions in first period alone. I am NOT playing around anymore about talking. That’s all they do all period long (aka 85 minutes) and I’m super over it. I was very strict today and I told my students that their behavior caused it. I told them that if they improve their behavior, we can consider going back to being friendly and joking all the time, but it’s fine with me if we stay like this for my last 11 days.

I gave out progress reports today and I really wasn’t happy with 2nd period’s grades, and they weren’t either. They ALL (except 2) begged me for something to do to help their grades. And, being the super nice person I am, I came up with an assignment to replace a project that didn’t go exactly how I wanted it to. I think (hopeee) that they’ll all take it seriously so I can bring up some of their grades!

That’s really all for today! Yay J

Monday, April 4, 2011

Awkward & Awesome Monday :)

Herrooo party people J

Today, aside from the humidity, was definitely awkward and awesome. In English 3, we began reading A Raisin in the Sun. I think once my kids get over the language barrier (which, thank goodness, isn’t as intense as The Crucible), they’re going to get a lot out of this play, and that makes me happy. Each day after we read, I write on the board what they should finish in their packets by the end of the period. For example, we read about 25 pages in 1st period and I gave them the last 20 minutes of class to do the character map, the physical and personality traits for the first 4 characters (as much as they could for just a brief intro to the characters), and the first 5 study questions in the back of the packet. I told them it was independent, silent work, but once they were done, they could talk quietly—that turned out to be a huge motivator for them to get their work done. 2nd period didn’t get nearly as far as first period and that’s frustrating to me, but I realize that my 2nd period kids are WAY different from my 1st period.

In English 2, I had to have a little chat with my kids about respect. They come in after lunch like a herd of elephants and I find it annoying and ridiculous that I have to spend the first 15 minutes (no exaggeration) getting them to sit down, put their seatbelts on, STOP TALKINGGGGGG, stop touching each other, and begin reading. They were SO noisy and I’m really not in the mood for them to walk all over me anymore. A student walked in and ran his fingers through my agenda that I wrote on the board and I had to rewrite it—I was NOT happy. As I was writing on the board, I said “by the time I turn around, I want everyone in their seat and SILENT” and as soon as I said it, and I know they heard it because about 3 different people mocked me, I knew it wasn’t going to happen. I turned around about 45 seconds later and there was a girl scratching a boy, a girl sticking her tongue in a boy’s ear, a piggy-back ride, and every single student was flapping their jaws. I stood there, looking at my watch, and it took them 2 minutes to stop talking and sit down. Me= less than pleased. I stood there in silence for about a minute and told them, very sternly might I add, that I was over the disrespect. I worked really hard in college and I have worked my butt off for them and I won’t tolerate their disrespect, or their attitudes, for one more minute. By the time I was done saying that, I was shaking a little—I think they got the point. No one spoke for the rest of the period, unless they raised their hands or I asked them a question directly. We’ll see how tomorrow goes.

- My kids snickering at everything they read and making it sexual. The awkward part? Do you know how hard it is to try to discontinue that behavior when it makes me chuckle, too? I haven’t let them see me laugh, but I have to take a couple seconds to refrain from laughing out loud.
- I took homeroom outside to read today since it was so nice, but I forgot about the humidity. I could literally hear my hair frizzing. You guessed it- the sweet hair swoop was back.
- My kids are very loud when I take them out of the classroom. I need to talk to them about our location transitions, or we won’t be able to leave the classroom anymore.
- I just got my new glasses and I’m still getting used to the new prescription. I bumped into things all weekend and it didn’t stop this morning. I told first period if they laughed at me one more time, I’d give them a homework assignment.

- I have amazing support from the other English teachers, most specifically my CT. The faculty at MDHS is superior.
- 2 different teachers at MDHS have told me how they’re using the tools I presented last week. The drafting teacher uses Glogster for a review of terms and the band teacher is using Wordle for their concert programs J
- I applied for my first big girl job today. Really weird. Reaaaallly awesome.


Sunday, April 3, 2011

My Super Sweet Internship Update

I guess I’ve been in a super awesome mood since Wednesday, when I did my presentation at “Best Sessions” at MDHS. Thursday rained like no other, and Friday was just SUPER. Mrs. Campbell, my University Supervisor, came to do observation #2 on me during 2nd period and just like I feared, they were TERRIBLE. I mean, the behavioral issues were intense. But I’m glad that she got to see them like that and see how I handled them. Here’s how 2nd period went:
They read for 10-ish minutes, they responded to the GTL quote while listening to light music (read:”Friday” by Rebecca Black), they got into their vocabulary groups and worked for 10 minutes and presentations took about 5. During vocab presentations, a student dropped an f-bomb RIGHT in front of Mrs. Campbell- I about died. Then, they stretched and put their chairs and dictionaries back. I passed out an index card and asked them to write down, in 5 words or less, one of their dreams—then I had to clarify that I wanted a goal type of dream, not a nighttime creepy dream. We shared those and talked about what would happen if their dreams were crushed. I passed their packets back out and we went through the 22-page packet I made them to go along with the play A Raisin in the Sun as I told them exactly what each page in the packet is. Then, I asked them to fill in the concept map about dreams. We shared those and moved on to assigning reading roles. I had 2 kids jumping out of their seats to be able to read the main roles J I read the introduction to them and gave them the last 90 seconds or so to themselves. The whole class period, I had kids touching each other, talking, up walking around, texting, eating, for real trying EVERYTHING they could to ruin my pristine lesson/observation. But they didn’t win and I corrected the behavior each time—Mrs. Campbell even made a note of it, saying I did an awesome job.

After the observation, I had planning so Mrs. Campbell and I got a chance to talk. She gave me some really amazing compliments, including that she thinks I’ll be Teacher of the Year in the next 5 years; I legitimately almost died right there. After she left, I was on cloud 9. I went and ate lunch with the B lunch teachers in the Hurricane Café and had an AMAZING salad made by a girl in my 2nd period. Mr. Archer and I decided that we were going to take our 4th period outside to read. We did a FCAT practice, then I gave them 2 sticky tabs and told them to mark the start page and the stop page. Once I saw that they all followed directions, we lined up at the door. Once we got downstairs, I told them the area they couldn’t leave (or they would get a referral and I wasn't close to joking) and they were able to lay in the sun or shade and read the novel silently or with their friends. It went WAY better than I thought it would.

I have been having SUCH a good time teaching during my internship, and I’m REALLY sad that it’s almost over. However, I’m really excited to get my own classroom. My kids mean so much to me and I really spend my entire weekend thinking about them and how I can make the classroom fun, while still providing them with the knowledge they need to succeed. Please hear my heart when I say that this isn’t just a career for me; I am so in love with this profession and I couldn’t be happier with the choices I’ve made to get here.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

The End of the WORLD!

I’ve always been convinced that the world is going to end in 2012, and when I saw the rain this morning, I knew that it started today. I was supposed to have my 2nd observation from my University Supervisor today, but she would have been travelling in the awful weather, so she called as I was walking in this morning to move our date to tomorrow. After I shook off (visual: like a wet dog), I headed to the Principal’s office to ask her to fill out a recommendation for me for the John Simmons Award that I was nominated for. Upon hearing that the bells were turned off, me and one of the Assistant Principals started to move kids toward their classrooms. It was SERIOUSLY pouring this morning and the lightning was so intense, so I was a little baffled that the students would have rather hugged and kissed all on each other in the rain than in the dry hallways. Kids… also, I have a student in 1st period with hair longer than mine, and his was perfectly straight. Mine? Yep, the lovely side swoop returned.

Today, the FCAT math retakes paired with the WORLD ENDING definitely did ruin my plans. I had 8 kids in 1st period. I really wanted to assign reading roles and being reading A Raisin in the Sun today, but I don’t have enough books to issue to 50 kids so the ones who weren’t there could catch up, so Mr. Archer suggested we have the kids play Apples to Apples (“for vocabulary purposes”)—I LOOOVEEEEE this game so I was all about it. And since my observation isn’t until tomorrow now, I didn’t really mind. I had fun with my 8 kids in first and my 15 in second period; plus, I think it was a little bit of a reward for those who did pass the FCAT the first time. In between classes, I herded more kids to class. Seriously, THE WORLD IS ENDING OUT HERE PEOPLE, go be lovey-dovey INSIDE. Also, eww.

3rd period is my planning period and since both lunches are during this time, it makes all of 3rd period about 2 hours long. I love Thursdays and Fridays during lunch time- the Hurricane Café, our student-run café, is open for teachers and it’s GOOOOOD.

Again, I wasn’t missing anyone from 4th period (English 2) and so we were able to continue on with our plans. We did some more FCAT reading practice and read some more of our Tears of a Tiger novel. My kids really love this book and they don’t ever want to put it down. Whenever I tell them that we’re done reading for the day, they’re less than happy and they always voice it. I love them. Then, for the last 15 minutes, we went to the library so they could check out and return books. They were a little loud in the beginning, but they weren’t bad. The librarians were kind of mad at me- one even yelled at me. Wah L
Peace, love, Oxford Commas, and SUNSHINE TOMORROW, MAYBE?

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What a MARVELOUS day!

Wellllll, I had every intention of posting yesterday, but I didn’t get around to it before my bedtime. Yesterday, in English 3, we talked about 1950 America to get ready for reading “A Raisin in the Sun”. We also did more of the “100 Words…” and talked about the anticipation guides we did on Monday. In English 2, we did some more FCAT reading and we started our word trees! Here are a few of the best…

 When I got home from school, I was COMPLETELY exhausted (as usual) so I had my typical nap- however it was shorter than the others. Me, dad, and Kelli met mom at the movie theatre to see “The 5th Quarter”. Oh my God, you have to see this movie. It’s about a family’s loss and struggle dealing with teen driving and organ donation, and the mom in the movie (played by Andie MacDowell) is based on a Phi Mu from my mom’s years. VERY touching- we pretty much wept the first 20 minutes and the last 5. Oh man.
Today, I learned something about myself as a teacher- I’m pretty good at adapting. The FCAT retakes tried to ruin my day but I was able to change my plans around, so YAY. There’s more retakes tomorrow, and while I won’t be missing as many students tomorrow as I did today, I’m not sure if we’ll be able to begin reading “A Raisin in the Sun”. But I sure hope we can start it, at least in 2nd period, because I have my 2nd observation from my University Supervisor!!! Eek!

Reasons why I’m so happy:
1. Even though the FCAT retakes stole half of my students, the ones I had left were on their best behavior
2. We got to use crayons in every class and I LOVE that smell
3. My presentation at our “Best Sessions” went very well, even though I thought I was going to drown in my nerves beforehand
4. My perfume AND GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS came in the mail today. HOLLA J
5. I got an email from Dr. Witte telling me that I have been nominated for a teaching award from FSU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!